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Abstract 15

How to cite the abstract:
Berger H., Foissner W. (1995): The ciliate atlas, a unique guide to 300 species used as indicators of water pollution: 2,000 pages, 6,000 figures. - European Journal of Protistology 31: 405, Abstract 13.

The Ciliate Atlas, a Unique Guide to 300 Species Used as Indicators of Water Pollution: 2,000 Pages, 6,000 Figures
H. Berger and W. Foissner
Universität Salzburg, Institut für Zoologie, Hellbrunnerstrasse 34, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria

This treatise comprises 4 volumes with about 500 pages each and describes in detail the morphology and ecology of about 300 species listed by SLADECEK et al. (1981) as indicators of water quality. The morphology is documented by 6,153 figures, 2,000 of them are orginal light micrographs of living and silver prepared specimens and original scanning electron micrographs. Moreover several species are redescribed in detail (e.g., Dileptus margaritifer, Trachelius ovum, Loxophyllum meleagris, Platynematum sociale). Volume IV contains an easy to use picture key (74 pages) for beginners and non-specialists to all taxa described in Vols. I (Cyrtophorida, Oligotrichida, Hypotrichia, Colpodea), II (Peritrichia, Heterotrichida, Odontostomatida), III Hymenostomata, Prostomatida, Nassulida), and IV (Gymnostomatea, Loxodes, Suctoria). We also reviewed the faunistic and ecologic literature distributed in many thousands small papers. This provides the saprobic evaluation of individual species with a more reliable basis and shows research needs. Vols. I and II, out of print since 1993, were reprinted. Thus the complete series is available! It can be ordered from the Wasserwirtschaftsamt Deggendorf, Postfach 2060, D-94460 Deggendorf, Germany. Price per Volume about 100 German Mark. Supported by the Oesterreichischen Fonds zur Foerderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (Projekt P8924-Bio) and the Bayerisches Landesamt für Wasserwirtschaft.

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Publication list of Helmut Berger
Publisher Helmut Berger
Main publication to this topic

Genera and higher taxa treated:
Volume I: Cyrtophorida, Chilodonella, Odontochlamys, Thigmogaster, Pseudochilodonopsis, Trithigmostoma, Phascolodon, Chlamydonellopsis, Chlamydonella, Trochilia, Dysteria, Trochilioides, Oligotrichida, Halteria, Plelagohalteria, Strombidium, Strobilidium, Tintinnidium, Tintinnopsis, Codonella, Hypotrichia, Hypotrichida, Stichotrichia, stichotrichous, Stichotricha, Chaetospira, Hypotrichidium, Urostyla, Holosticha, Uroleptus, Paraurostyla, Kerona, Gastrostyla, Pleurotricha, Oxytricha, Tachysoma, Histriculus, Sterkiella, Stylonychia, Steinia, Euplotes, Aspidisca, Copodea, Colpoda, Cyrtolophosis, Platyophrya, Bursaria, Bursaridium
Volume II: Peritrichia, Vorticella, Pseudovorticella, Carchesium, Zoothamnium, Opercularia, Epistylis, Campanella, Ophrydium, Rhabdostyla, Scyphidia, Cothurnia, Lagenophrys, Platycola, Pyxicola, Thuricola, Vaginicola, Astylozoon, Hastatella, Opisthonecta, Trichodina, Heterotrichida, Spirostomum, Stentor, Blepharisma, Pseudoblepharisma, Linostoma, Climacostomum, Metopus, Bothrostoma, Brachonella, Tropidoatractus, Caenomorpha, Odontostomatida, Pelodinium, Epalxella, Saprodinium, Discomorphella
Volume III: Hymenostomata, Dexiostoma, Colpidium, Paracolpidium, Tetrahymena, Glaucoma, Epenardia, Ophryoglena, Paramecium, Frontonia, Disematostoma, Urocentrum, Marituja, Stokesia, Lembadion, Philasterides, Uronema, Kahlilembus, Dexiotricha, Loxocephalus, Cinetochilum, Platynematum, Sathrophilus, Dexiotrichides, Urozona, Pseudocohnilembus, Pleuronema, Calyptotricha, Ctedoctema, Cyclidium, Prostomatida, Apsiktrata, Apsiktratidae, Holophrya, Prorodon, Urotricha, Balanion, Plagiocampa, Placus, Coleps, Bursellopsis, Trimyema, Nassulida, Zosterodasys, Chilodontopsis, Nassulopsis, Nassula, Obertrumia, Leptopharynx, Pseudomicrothorax, Drepanomonas, Microthorax, Hexotricha
Volume IV: Gymenostomatea, Gymnostomatida, Spathidiida, Cyclotrichida, Chaenea, Enchelyodon, Enchelys, Lacrymaria, Phialina, Lagynus, Lagynophrya, Trachelophyllum, Dileptus, Monilicaryon, Paradileptus, Trachelius, Homalozoon, Spathidium, Didinium, Monodinium, Actinobolina, Askenasia, Mesodinium, Plagiopyla, Pleurostomatida, Amphileptus, Litonotus, Acineria, Loxophyllum, Loxodes, Suctoria, Tokophrya, Staurophrya, Dendrosoma, Heliophrya, Acineta, Enchelyomorpha, Prodiscophrya, Podophrya, Sphaerophrya, Parapodophrya, Metacineta

Additional keywords: abundance, abundance, adaptation, Alveolata, Aufwuchs, Austria, Bach, Bavaria, Benthal, benthic, benthisch, benthos, Bestimmng, Bibliographie, bibliography, Biofilm, biodiversity, biomass, biometry, brook, Buck, Ciliaten, ciliates, Ciliates, Ciliophora, classification, community, contractile vacuole, cortex, cortical granules, counting, cyst, determination, Diversität, diversity, dominance, Dominanz, ecology, Elektronenmikroskopie, euplanktonic, Europe, Fliessgewässer, Fließgewässer, Fluß, Fluss, frequency, Frequenz, freshwater, fresh, Geographie, geography, Germany, Gewässer, Gewässeranalyse, Gewässergüte, Glossar, glossary, guide, identification, index, key, Klassifikation, Konstanz, lake, limnetic, Limnologie, limnology, Literatur, literature, literature, macronucleus, Makronucleus, Marvan, method, micronucleus, Mondsee, monograph, movement, nomenclature, Nomenklatur, nutrion, occurrence, Ökologie, Önorm, Pantle, parasite, parasitism, plancton, plankton, planktonic, pond, Präsenz, production, Produktivität, productivity, Protargol, protist, Protista, Protozoa, resting cyst, review, revision, running water, salinity, salt, Salzburg, sampling, saprobic system, Saprobität, saprobity, See, Sladecek, species concept, species, standard, stream, systematics, Süsswasser, Süßwasser, Systematik, Tümpel, Upper Austria, Verbreitung, Vorkommen, water quality, Wimpertierchen, Zelinka, Ziliaten, zooplankton


Dr Helmut BERGER
Consulting Engineering Office for Ecology - Technisches Büro für Ökologie
Radetzkystrasse 10, 5020 Salzburg, Austria, Europe
Phone +43-(0)662-432538; Fax +43-(0)662-443139; email office@protozoology.com; http://www.protozoology.com