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Abstract 8

How to cite the abstract:
Foissner W., Blatterer H., Berger H., Kohmann F. (1991): The ciliate atlas - Morphology and ecology of the ciliated protozoa used as indicators of water quality. - Deutschsprachige Limnologentagung in Mondsee, 30. 9.-4. 10. 1991: Abstract.

Foissner W., Blatterer H., Berger H. and Kohmann F. (1991): The ciliate atlas - Morphology and ecology of the ciliated protozoa used as indicators of water quality

Universität Salzburg und Bayerisches Landesamt für Wasserwirtschaft

Kolkwitz & Marsson and Liebmann, the founders of the saprobic system, praised the ciliates as indicators for evaluating water quality. In spite of this, ciliates are increasingly ignored by field ecologists because their identification is supposedly more difficult than that of the mesofauna. This is correct inasmuch as handsome and accurate identification literature is lacking - a shortage which should be redressed by our "ciliate atlas". Furthermore, we reviewed the faunistic and ecologic literature distributed in thousands small papers. This provides the saprobic evaluation of individual species with a more reliable basis and shows research needs. In our atlas each species is pre-identified by a simple picture-key; for accurate determination it is, however, also described in detail and documented by line drawings, light microscopic and scanning electron microscopic micrographs. The revision will comprise four volumes with about 90 species each and addresses not only river ecologists but also those who are engaged in the management of sewage plants, lakes and drinking waters. Volume I has already been published and is sold by the "Bayerisches Landesamt für Wasserwirtschaft, Lazarettstrasse 67, D-8000 München 19".

Homepage www.protozoology.com
Publication list of Helmut Berger
Publisher Helmut Berger
Main publication to this topic

Keywords: alphataxonomy, Taxonomie, Systematik, systematics, Gewässergüte, sewage, biological indicator, Bioindikator, Ökologie, Limnologie, Gewässer, See, lake, Tümpel, pond, brook, Bach, running water, river, stream, Fluss, Fluß, Strom, Ciliophora, ciliate, Ziiaten, guide, key, Schlüssel, Führer, Bestimmung Identification, determination, Indetifikation, Autökologie, Verbreitung, Biogeographie, biogeography, Vorkommen, occurrence, Hypotrichida, Hypotricha, Hypotrichia, Wimpertierchen, Monographie, monograph, revision, review, literature, Verschmutzung, pollution, Saprobiensystem, saprobic system, Pantle Buck, index, Wasserrahmenrichtlinie, Önorm, Standard


Dr Helmut BERGER
Consulting Engineering Office for Ecology - Technisches Büro für Ökologie
Radetzkystrasse 10, 5020 Salzburg, Austria, Europe
Phone +43-(0)662-432538; Fax +43-(0)662-443139; email office@protozoology.com; http://www.protozoology.com