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Paper 19

How to cite the paper:

Berger H., Foissner W., Schaumburg J. (1999): Taxonomie und Ökologie der euplanktischen Süßwasserciliaten. - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnolologie, Erweiterte Zusammenfassungen der Jahrestagung 1998, Klagenfurt: 680-684.

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Keywords: Ciliophora, zooplankton, guide, Ciliophora, Hypotrichia, Hypotrichidium, Pelagotrichidium, Pseudostrombidium, Spiretella, Hypotricha, Hypotrichida, Plankton, Pelagial, Wimpertierchen, See, lake, Limnologie, limnology, Oligotrichida

Colpodea (4 Arten)

*Bursaria truncatella Müller, 1773

Bursaridium pseudobursaria (Fauré-Fremiet, 1924) Kahl, 1927

Colpoda steinii Maupas, 1883

Cyrtolophosis mucicola Stokes, 1885

Cyrtophorida (1 Art)

Phascolodon vorticella Stein, 1859

Gymnostomatida (36 Arten)

Actinobolina radians (Stein, 1867) Strand, 1928

Actinobolina vorax (Wenrich, 1929) Kahl, 1930

Actinobolina smalli Holt, Lynn & Corliss, 1973

Actinobolina wenrichii Wang & Nie, 1933

Askenasia acrostomia Krainer & Foissner, 1990

Askenasia chlorelligera Krainer & Foissner, 1990

Askenasia volvox (Eichwald, 1852) Kahl, 1930

Balantidion pellucidum Eberhard, 1862

Belonophrya pelagica André, 1914

*Cyclotrichium brunneum Gajewskaja, 1933

*Cyclotrichium faurei (Kahl, 1930) Krainer & Foissner, 1990

*Cyclotrichium humilis (Gajewskaja, 1933) Krainer & Foissner, 1990

Cyclotrichium viride Gajewskaja, 1933

Didinium chlorelligerum Kahl, 1935

Didinium nasutum (Müller, 1773) Stein, 1859

Lagynophrya acuminata Kahl, 1935

*Liliomorpha viridis Gajevskaja, 1928

Lepidotrachelophyllum lineare (Lepsi, 1960) Foissner, 1994

Mesodinium acarus Stein, 1867

*Mesodinium fimbriatum Stokes, 1887

Mesodinium pulex (Claparède & Lachmann, 1859) Stein, 1867

Monodinium alveolatum (Kahl, 1930) Foissner, Berger & Schaumburg, 1999

*Monodinium armatum (Penard, 1922)

Monodinium balbianii balbianii Fabre-Domergue, 1888

Monodinium balbianii breviproboscis Foissner, Berger & Schaumburg, 1999

Monodinium balbianii rostratum (Kahl, 1926) Foissner, Berger & Schaumburg, 1999

Monodinium chlorelligerum Krainer, 1995

Monodinium perrieri Delphy, 1925

Paradileptus elephantinus (Svec, 1897) Kahl, 1931

Pelagodileptus trachelioides (Zacharias, 1894) Foissner, Berger & Schaumburg, 1999

Pelagolacrymaria moserae Foissner, Berger & Schaumburg, 1999

*Pelagolacrymaria rostrata (Kahl, 1935) Foissner, Berger & Schaumburg, 1999

Pelagovasicola cinctum (Voigt, 1901) Jankowski, 1980

Rhabdoaskenasia minima Krainer & Foissner, 1990

Teuthophrys trisulca trisulca Chatton & De Beauchamp, 1923

Teuthophrys trisulca africana Dragesco & Dragesco-Kernéis, 1986

Heterotrichida (3 Arten)

Linostomella vorticella (Ehrenberg, 1833) Aescht in Foissner, Berger & Schaumburg, 1999

Stentor amethystinus Leidy, 1880

Stentor araucanus Foissner & Wölfl, 1994

Hymenostomata (6 Arten)

Disematostoma buetschlii Lauterborn, 1894

Disematostoma tetraedricum (Fauré-Fremiet, 1924) Kahl, 1931

Frontonia leucas (Ehrenberg, 1833) Ehrenberg, 1838

Histiobalantium bodamicum Krainer & Müller, 1995

Marituja pelagica Gajewskaja, 1928

Stokesia vernalis Wenrich, 1929

Hypotrichia (4 Arten)

Hypotrichidium conicum Ilowaisky, 1921

Pelagotrichidium faurei (Tuffrau, 1972) Jankowski, 1978

Pseudostrombidium planctonticum Horváth, 1933

Spiretella plancticola (Gelei, 1933) Borror, 1972

Nassulida (1 Art)

Obertrumia aurea (Ehrenberg, 1833) Foissner, 1987

Oligotrichida (21 Arten)

Codonella cratera (Leidy, 1877) Imhoff, 1885

Halteria bifurcata Tamar, 1968

Halteria grandinella (Müller, 1773) Dujardin, 1841

Limnostrombidium pelagicum (Kahl, 1932) Krainer, 1995

Limnostrombidium viride (Stein, 1867) Krainer, 1995

Membranicola tamari Foissner, Berger & Schaumburg, 1999

Pelagohalteria cirrifera (Kahl, 1932) Foissner, Skogstad & Pratt, 1988

Pelagohalteria virdis (Fromentel, 1876) Foissner, Skogstad & Pratt, 1988

Pelagostrombidium fallax (Zacharias, 1895) Krainer, 1991

Pelagostrombidium mirabile (Penard, 1916) Krainer, 1991

Rimostrombidium armeniensis (Zharikov, 1987) Foissner, Berger & Schaumburg, 1999

Rimostrombidium brachykinetum Krainer, 1995

Rimostrombidium humile (Penard, 1922) Petz & Foissner, 1992

Rimostrombidium hyalinum (Mirabdullaev, 1985) Petz & Foissner, 1992

Rimostrombidium lacustris (Foissner, Skogstad & Pratt, 1988) Petz & Foissner, 1992

Rimostrombidium velox (Fauré-Fremiet, 1924) Jankowski, 1978

*Stenosemella lacustris Foissner & O'Donoghue, 1990

Tintinnidium ephemeridum Hilliard, 1968

Tintinnidium fluviatile (Stein, 1863) Kent, 1881

Tintinnidium pusillum Entz, 1909

Tintinnopsis cylindrata Kofoid & Campell, 1929

Peritrichia (25 Arten)

Astylozoon enriquesi Foissner, 1977

Astylozoon fallax Engelmann, 1862

Astylozoon faurei Kahl, 1935

Epicarchesium pectinatum (Zacharias, 1897) Foissner, Berger & Schaumburg, 1999

Epistylis digitalis (Linnaeus, 1758) Ehrenberg, 1830

*Epistylis nympharum Engelmann, 1862

Epistylis anastatica (Linnaeus, 1767) Ehrenberg, 1830

Epistylis procumbens Zacharias, 1897

Epistylis pygmaeum (Ehrenberg, 1838) Foissner, Berger & Schaumburg, 1999

Hastatella radians Erlanger, 1890

Ophrydium eutrophicum Foissner, 1979

Ophrydium naumanni Pejler, 1962

Ophrydium versatile (Müller, 1786) Ehrenberg, 1830

Opisthonecta henneguyi Fauré-Fremiet, 1906

Pelagovorticella mayeri (Fauré-Fremiet, 1924) Jankowski, 1980

Pelagovorticella natans (Fauré-Fremiet, 1924) Jankowski, 1985

*Pseudohaplocaulus anabaenae (Stiller, 1940) Warren, 1988

Pseudohaplocaulus infravacuolatus Foissner & Brozek, 1996

*Pseudovorticella monilata (Tatem, 1870) Foissner & Schiffmann, 1974

*Trichodina domergue megamicronucleatus Dogiel, 1940

Trichodina pediculus Ehrenberg, 1831

Vorticella aquadulcis Komplex

Vorticella chlorellata Stiller, 1940

*Vorticella picta (Ehrenberg, 1831) Ehrenberg, 1838

Vorticella vernalis Stokes, 1887

Prostomatida (31 Arten)

Balanion planctonicum (Foissner, Olekseiv & Müller, 1990) Foissner, Berger & Kohmann, 1994

Bursellopsis nigricans mobilis (Wang & Nie, 1933) Foissner, Berger & Schaumburg, 1999

Bursellopsis nigricans nigricans (Lauterborn, 1894) Foissner, Berger & Schaumburg, 1999

Bursellopsis pelagica Foissner, Berger & Schaumburg, 1999

Bursellopsis spumosa (Schmidt, 1920) Corliss, 1960

Bursellopsis truncata (Kahl, 1927) Corliss, 1960

Coleps elongatus Ehrenberg, 1831

Coleps hirtus hirtus (Müller, 1786) Nitzsch, 1827

Coleps hirtus viridis Ehrenberg, 1831

Coleps nolandi Kahl, 1930

Coleps spetai Foissner, 1984

Longitricha puytoraci (Dragesco, Iftode & Fryd-Versavel, 1974) Foissner & Pfister, 1997

*Pelagothrix alveolata (Kahl, 1926) Foissner, Berger & Schaumburg, 1999

Pelagothrix chlorelligera Foissner, Berger & Schaumburg, 1999

Pelagothrix minuta (Kahl, 1927) Foissner, Berger & Schaumburg, 1999

Urotricha agilis (Stokes, 1886) Kahl, 1930

Urotricha apsheronica Alekperov, 1984

Urotricha castalia Munoz, Téllez & Fernández-Galiano, 1987

*Urotricha dragescoi Foissner, 1984

Urotricha farcta Claparède & Lachmann, 1859

Urotricha furcata Schewiakoff, 1892

Urotricha globosa Schewiakoff, 1892

*Urotricha macrostoma Foissner, 1983

Urotricha matthesi matthesi Krainer, 1995

Urotricha matthesi tristicha Foissner & Pfister, 1997

Urotricha pelagica Kahl, 1935

Urotricha platystoma Stokes, 1886

Urotricha pseudofurcata Krainer, 1995

Urotricha simonsbergeri Foissner, Berger & Schaumburg, 1999

Urotricha valida Song & Wilbert, 1989

Urotricha venatrix Kahl, 1935

Suctoria (3 Arten)

Gajewskajophrya melosirae (Gajewskaja, 1933) Matthes, 1988

Mucophrya pelagica Gajevskaja, 1928

Staurophrya elegans Zacharias, 1893


Dr Helmut BERGER
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