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Paper 36

How to cite the paper:

Berger H. (2009): Microfauna of activated sludge. - In: Röttger R., Knight R., Foissner W. (Ed.): A course in protozoology. Second revised edition. Protozoological Monographs 4: 220-231.

Supported by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, APART-Project.

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Publisher Helmut Berger
Content of Protozoological Monographs vol. 4 (PDF; 600 kB)
Shaker Verlag GmbH www.shaker.de
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Keywords: Abwasserreinigungsanlage, activated sludge, Aeolosoma hemprichi, Amoeba, Arcella, Aspidisca, Bacteria, cicada, costata, lynceus, turrita, Belebtschlamm, biological indicator, Bodo saltans, Centropyxis, crassa, Chilodonella uncinata, Cyrtophorida, cyrtophorids, denitrification, Difflugia, Euglypha, Euplotes, affinis, moebiusi, aediculatus, Euplotida, Flagellata, flagellates, Frenzelina, Hartmannella, heterotrophic, Hexamita, Hypotricha, Hypotrichida, Hypotrichia, hypotrichs, Kläranlage, Metazoa, Micro-Metazoa, Naegleria, naked amoebae, Nematoda, nematods, nutrition, Oligochaeta, oligochaets, Opercularia, asymmetrica, pusilla, Peritricha, peritrichs, Pseudochilodonopsis, Pyxidicula, Rotifera, Rotatoria, Rotaria, sewage treatment plant, Sessilida, Spirotricha, Spirotrichea, Testacea, testate, Trepomonas, Trigonomonas, Vahlkampfia, Vorticella citrina convallaria, zooflagellates


Dr Helmut BERGER
Consulting Engineering Office for Ecology - Technisches Büro für Ökologie
Radetzkystrasse 10, 5020 Salzburg, Austria, Europe
Phone +43-(0)662-432538; Fax +43-(0)662-443139; email office@protozoology.com; http://www.protozoology.com